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Cash Gifting Answer
Why I Chose "Cash Gifting" for TIBS CLUB


TIBS CLUB uses something

simple and legal,

"giving and receiving,"

to help members.

Without ever knowing about cash gifting programs, I went to the source that I do know, the Bible, which states:  "Give and it shall be given onto you . . ." and,  "I came that they may have life . . . more abundantly."  I also know that to qualify as a business, you have to be engaged in selling a product or providing a service.  However, cash gifting has no product or service and is not a business, but has its legality, rather, as a method of giving a gift from one's estate (whatever that may be, that he or she has in money or assets), without expecting anything in return.  To mean, not expecting a product or service of any kind or any return from the person to whom the gift is given, up to whatever the IRS amount is currently allowable (now at the maximum of $14,000.00) per individual per year from a single giver, that is not taxable, being that such gift was already taxed upon the giver before it became a gift. 

Cash Gifting is legal, however it is a private, voluntary activity with rules that must be adhered to.

TIBS CLUB is a lawful organization and uses "cash gifting" in a lawful manner.  There is no multilevel marketing, and no sales commissions.  The gifts are not investments of any kind; they are not accountable loans or grant funds; they are simply the gifts that individuals choose to give as private members.  The structure of membership establishes relationship between giver and receiver.

Because I wanted members to experience a program that designates the gift amount and frequency as purposely practical and realizable for almost anyone who is invited to be a member and decides to come into alignment with The Divine Law of Giving and Receiving and The Universal Law of Abundance, I created a "cash gifting" program.  But, when I found a professionally designed "cash gifting system" with a program that has operated successfully for 14 years, I decided that I could give people the opportunity for more abundance by inviting them to look into the more technologically advanced program that I am now using and to make an informed decision.

    The Integrated Business
    and Social Club

    Jean Wilson, Founder

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    1155 S. Havana St. #11-407
    Aurora, Colorado  80012


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